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IP news
27 février 2014

New French Bill regarding fight against counterfeiting

New French Bill regarding fight against counterfeiting
Le 26 février 2014, le Sénat a adopté définitivement la proposition de loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre la contrefaçon, par un vote à l'unanimité. Le texte modifie le code de la propriété intellectuelle, le code des douanes, le code de la sécurité...
6 février 2014

You were waiting for it... The Rolex case finally came out!

You were waiting for it... The Rolex case finally came out!
This is the story of Mr Blomqvist, a private citizen of Denmark who bought, for his own use, a faxe Rolex watch via Internet, on a chinese e-commerce website. In November 2011, the Danish Maritime and Commercial Court held that the import of such a fake...
3 février 2014

A young blog for a young lawyer :)

A young blog for a young lawyer :)
Welcome! As I have the opportunity to be involved in the small world of IP in Brussels as a Bluebook trainee (you know, the European Commission parasits also called stagiaires...), I decided to create this blog in order to provide independent news, features...
25 avril 2014

The concept of new public

The concept of new public
The Svensson case finally arrived C-466/12 Retriever Sverige vs Göteborgs-Posten In a nutshell, the applicants in the main proceedings were all journalists writing press articles that were published in the Göteborgs-Posten newspaper and on the Göteborgs-Posten...
17 février 2014

New bill on consumers' rights!

While the UK Consumer Rights Bill is still in its Parliamentary progress, the final text of the French Consumer Rights Bill called " projet de loi relatif à la consommation" has finally been approved yesterday, thursday 13th of February 2014. The bill...
IP news